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Did you know...

70% of Americans have undiagnosed food sensitivities?

Do you struggle with digestion and just don’t feel like you?

Whether it is internal struggles like low energy, feeling sluggish, or irregularly, or external struggles like bloating, weight gain, or unexplained breakouts, food could be playing a bigger role than you think!


Autumn Calabrese, bestselling author of Lose Weight Like Crazy Even if You Have A Crazy Life and host of the FIXATE cooking show, she’s an IIN-certified holistic health coach and has held certifications from NASM and AFPA.

Autumn is also no stranger to tummy troubles. She’s struggled with the issue over the years — but after much trial and error and working closely with her doctor, she’s finally learned how to uncover her “food sensitivities.” And now you can, too.

Combining her firsthand experience and expertise, Autumn found a way to tackle her physically and emotionally challenging gastrointestinal issues while tying in a workout schedule that’s easy to follow and easy on the joints.


She will share the most triggering food groups for most people, and guide you through productive, gentle ways to remove them from your diet while still getting the nutrients you need to support your gut and daily lifestyle!

What else does your body need in order to start healing on the inside?

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That’s what 4 Weeks for Every Body comes in.


This 4-week program brings low impact moves with big opportunities to get toned and support a healthy lifestyle.


In just 30 minutes a day, you will lift, work your core and raise that heart rate without a single jumping jack! I didn’t believe it either, but if Autumn says it can, we do it, right?!



That was my mission when I started this GUT PROTOCOL 6 weeks ago. I just wanted to FEEL better. I didn’t think I had any gut issues but I was 4 months postpartum and desperate to figure out a way to find myself again.

I have learned so much about myself over the last 6 weeks. I have learned that if I fuel my body with foods it THRIVES with, I feel better.. and when I feel better, I sleep better.. and when I sleep better, I feel better.. and when I feel better, I can show up better!

This is my 6 WEEK CHECK IN

And yes… this check in is done after two big weekends in a row I have recognized and learned my triggers and am so thankful I know how to avoid all of the painful stomach cramps and bloating from foods that my body doesn’t work well with.

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